About Machine Learning 1

 Machine Learning

  • The Machine Learning Landscape
  • Classification
  • Support Vector Machines
  • Decision Trees
  • Ensemble Learning and Random Forests
  • Dimensionality Reduction
  • Clustering

Unit I:

The Machine Learning Landscape: What Is Machine Learning? Why Use Machine Learning? Types of Machine Learning Systems, Supervised/Unsupervised Learning, Batch and Online Learning, Instance-Based Versus Model-Based Learning, Main Challenges of Machine Learning, Insufficient Quantity of Training Data, Nonrepresentative Training Data, Poor-Quality Data, Irrelevant Features, Overfitting the Training Data, Underfitting the Training Data, Stepping Back, Testing and Validating.

πŸ‘‰UNIT 1(A) NOTEs : The Machine Learning Landscape Notes

πŸ‘‰UNIT 1(A) PPTs: The Machine Learning Landscape

πŸ‘‰UNIT 1(B) NOTEs: The Machine Learning Landscape NOTEs

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1 : UNIT 1(B) PPTs: The Machine Learning Landscape PPTs

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT 1 The Machine Learning Landscape Questions

Unit II:

Classification: Training a Binary Classifier, Performance Measures, Measuring Accuracy UsingCross-Validation, Confusion Matrix, Precision and Recall, Precision/RecallTradeoff , The ROC Curve, Multiclass Classification, Error Analysis, Multilabel Classification, Multi Output Classification. k-NN Classifier.

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT 2 NOTEs: Classification Notes

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1 : UNIT 2: Classification PPTs

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT 2: Classification MCQs

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT 2: Classification Questions

Unit III:

Support Vector Machines: Linear SVM Classification, Soft Margin Classification, Nonlinear SVM Classification, Polynomial Kernel, Adding Similarity Features, Gaussian RBF Kernel, Computational Complexity, SVM Regression, Under the Hood, Decision Function and Predictions, Training Objective, Quadratic Programming, The Dual Problem, Kernelized SVM, Online SVMs.

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT 3 (A) NOTES: Support Vector Machines NOTEs

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT 3 (A) PPTs: Support Vector Machines PPTs

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT 3 (B) NOTEs: Support Vector Machines NOTEs

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT 3 (B) PPTs: Support Vector Machines PPTs

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT 3 A & B : Support Vector Machines Questions

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT 3 : Support Vector Machines MCQs

Unit IV:

Decision Trees: Training and Visualizing a Decision Tree, Making Predictions, Estimating Class Probabilities, The CART Training Algorithm, Computational Complexity, Gini Impurity or Entropy? Regularization Hyperparameters, Regression

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT 4 (A) NOTEs: Decision Trees NOTEs

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT 4 (A) PPTs: Decision Trees PPTs

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT 4 (A): Decision Trees Questions

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT 4 (A) : Decision Trees MCQs

Ensemble Learning and Random Forests: Voting Classifiers, Bagging and Pasting, Bagging and Pasting in Scikit-Learn, Out-of-Bag Evaluation, Random Patches and Random Subspaces, Random Forests, Extra-Trees, Feature Importance, Boosting, AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting, Stacking.

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT 4 (B) NOTES: Ensemble Learning and Random Forests NOTES

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT 4 (B) PPTs: Ensemble Learning and Random Forests PPTs

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT 4 (B) : Ensemble Learning and Random Forests Questions

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT 4 (B) : Ensemble Learning and Random Forests MCQs

Unit V:

Dimensionality Reduction: The Curse of Dimensionality, Main Approaches for Dimensionality Reduction, Projection, PCA.

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT-5(A) NOTES: Dimensionality Reduction NOTES

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT-5(A) PPTs: Dimensionality Reduction PPTs

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT-5(A): Dimensionality Reduction Questions

Clustering: How does clustering work: finding similarities using distances, Euclidean distance and other distance metrics. k-Means Clustering: Plotting customers with their segments, normalizing features, cluster centres and interpreting the Clusters. Hierarchical Clustering.

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT 5(B) NOTEs: Clustering NOTES

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT 5 (B) PPTs: Clustering PPTs

πŸ‘‰Machine Learning 1: UNIT 5 (B) : Clustering Questions


1. GΓ©ron, AurΓ©lien. Hands-on machine learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow: Concepts, tools, and techniques to build intelligent systems. O'Reilly Media, 2019.
2. Pradhan, Manaranjan, and U. Dinesh Kumar. Machine Learning using Python. Wiley, IIM Bangalore, 2019.


1.     Introduction to Machine Learning, Ethem Alpaydin 2nd Edition, MIT Press 2000

2.     Machine Learning, Tom M. Mitchell, McGraw Hill, 1997, ISBN: 0-07-042807-7. 
