Precision/Recall Trade-off

 Precision/Recall Trade-off

·       To understand this trade-off,

ü  let’s look at how the SGDClassifier makes its classification decisions.

ü  For each instance, it computes a score based on a decision function.

ü  If that score is greater than a threshold,

        it assigns the instance to the positive class;

        otherwise it assigns it to the negative class.


Figure 3-3. In this precision/recall trade-off, images are ranked by their classifier score, and those above the chosen decision threshold are considered positive; the higher the threshold, the lower the recall, but (in general) the higher the precision.

        Figure 3 shows a few digits positioned from the lowest score on the left to the highest score on the right.

        Suppose the decision threshold is positioned at the central arrow (between the two 5s):

ü  you will find

ü  4 true positives (actual 5s) on the right of that threshold, and

ü  1 false positive (actually a 6).

ü  Therefore, with that threshold, the precision is 80% (4 out of 5).

        But out of 6 actual 5s, the classifier only detects 4,

ü  so the recall is 67% (4 out of 6).

        If you raise the threshold (move it to the arrow on the right),

ü   the false positive (the 6) becomes a true negative,

ü   thereby increasing the precision (up to 100% in this case),

ü  but one true positive becomes a false negative, decreasing recall down to 50%.

        Conversely, lowering the threshold increases recall and reduces precision.

·       Scikit-Learn does not let you set the threshold directly,

ü  but it does give you access to the decision scores that it uses to make predictions.

·       Instead of calling the classifier’s predict() method,

ü  you can call its decision_function() method,

·       which returns a score for each instance, and

·       then use any threshold you want to make predictions based on those scores:

y_scores = sgd_clf.decision_function([some_digit])



threshold = 0

y_some_digit_pred = (y_scores > threshold)

array([ True])

·       The SGDClassifier uses a threshold equal to 0, so the previous code returns the same result as the predict() method (i.e., True).

·       Let’s raise the threshold:

threshold = 8000

y_some_digit_pred = (y_scores > threshold)



        This confirms that raising the threshold decreases recall.

        The image actually represents a 5, and

ü  the classifier detects it when the threshold is 0,

        but it misses it when the threshold is increased to 8,000.

How do you decide which threshold to use?

·       First, use the cross_val_predict() function to get the scores of all instances in the training set,

ü  but this time specify that you want to return decision scores instead of predictions:

y_scores = cross_val_predict(sgd_clf, X_train, y_train_5,                       cv=3, method = "decision_function")

 With these scores,

        use the precision_recall_curve() function to compute

ü  precision and

ü  recall for all possible thresholds:

from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_curve

precisions, recalls, thresholds = precision_recall_curve 

                (y_train_5, y_scores)

        Finally, use Matplotlib to plot precision and recall as functions of the threshold value (Figure 4):

def plot_precision_recall_vs_threshold(precisions, recalls, thresholds):

     plt.plot(thresholds, precisions[:-1], "b--", label="Precision")

     plt.plot(thresholds, recalls[:-1], "g-", label="Recall")

     [...] # highlight the threshold and add the legend, axis label, and grid

plot_precision_recall_vs_threshold(precisions, recalls, thresholds)


Figure 4. Precision and recall versus the decision threshold

·       You may wonder why the precision curve is bumpier than the recall curve in Figure 4.

·       The reason is that precision may sometimes go down when you raise the threshold.

·       To understand why,

ü  look back at Figure 3 and

ü  notice what happens when you start from the central threshold and

ü  move it just one digit to the right:

·       precision goes from 4/5 (80%) down to 3/4 (75%).

·       On the other hand,

ü  recall can only go down when the threshold is increased,

ü  which explains why its curve looks smooth.

        Another way to select a good precision/recall trade-off is to

        plot precision directly against recall, as shown in Figure 5 (the same threshold as earlier is highlighted).

ü  You can see that precision really starts to fall sharply around 80% recall.

ü  You will probably want to select a precision/recall trade-off just before that drop—for example, at around 60% recall.

ü  But of course, the choice depends on your project.

                                            Figure 5. Precision versus recall

·       Suppose you decide to aim for 90% precision.

·       You look up the first plot and

ü  find that you need to use a threshold of about 8,000.

·       To be more precise you can search for the lowest threshold that gives you at least 90% precision

·       np.argmax() will give you the first index of the maximum value,

ü  which in this case means the first True value:

threshold_90_precision = thresholds [np.argmax ( precisions >= 0.90 ) ] # ~7816

        To make predictions (on the training set for now),

ü  instead of calling the classifier’s predict() method,

ü  you can run this code:

y_train_pred_90 = (y_scores >= threshold_90_precision)

        Let’s check these predictions’ precision and recall:

precision_score(y_train_5, y_train_pred_90)


recall_score(y_train_5, y_train_pred_90)


·       Great, you have a 90% precision classifier!

·       As you can see, it is fairly easy to create a classifier with virtually any precision you want:

ü  just set a high enough threshold.

·       But wait, not so fast.

·       A high-precision classifier is not very useful if its recall is too low!

